Sunday, May 2, 2010


I would say that my leadership style is to "lead by example." This means that when I work in a group or with others, I expect them to take note of my work ethic and sense of leadership and do the same. I expect others to take on just as much responsibility as myself and to take the work just as seriously as I do. In a sense I would also consider myself a "behind the scenes" leader. I'm not necessarily the most vocal person when I am put into a team, but I always put my all into the work I complete and feel a sense of accountability for everything I do. This all connects back to my strengths which are responsibility and accountability. Although in a group setting work is distributed evenly amongst the team, I always feel a sense of responsibility for the entire project and for all the work that is getting done.

1 comment:

  1. Leading by example is one of the best ways to gain loyalty and respect from your team. It's wonderful that you realize how important this is! Best wishes to your continued success!
